On the other hand, I also found this very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed one of our first activities- choosing pictures and attempting to answer the questions posted on the pictures. It was a fun chance to test my scientific knowledge at random, though I know we weren't actually expected to fully understand the answer to the questions we were given. I may be wrong, but I think the purpose of the activity was mainly to provide "food for thought". This, along with our impromptu games and activities that helped us get to know each other, drew a definite separating line between this class and any of my other English classes in the past. I was expecting ten page papers; instead I've already found that this method may be more effective than others in showing me that writing is more of an expression, rather than reciting facts you already know. Maybe I'll even learn more about myself.
I agree with this this class is definitely not what I expected it to be. At first I thought the little games we played were silly but looking back they were great ice breakers. I also was expecting to write a whole lot of papers and it totally caught me off guard when she said we would be finding the connection between science and writing